Cabbage is more versatile than one my imagine. It’s leaves are used as wrapping for a variety of dishes. It can become sauerkraut for sure. It can be boiled and steamed and paired with Corned Beef. But one of my favorite cabbage dishes is fried cabbage. Heat a large castRead More →

This Beef Stroganoff is just too good! Simple and delicious. A lot of stroganoff recipes use sour cream. Not this one. Instead use fresh heavy cream. Again: It’s just so good. . . I used two small tenderloin steaks. First I patted them dry on both sides with a paperRead More →

Fresh homemade crab salad is delicious. You can buy crab salad at a deli if you like, but fresh homemade is far better and so easy to make. In a large mixing bowl cut into small pieces 1 pound fresh cooked crab or imitation crab. After you cut it intoRead More →

You might wonder why I named this Blog; Cook Like Ma. It was a natural choice for me because like my mother before me I’ve been an extra mom to many kids. When my sister Ann and I were growing up, our home was often filled with extra kids. MyRead More →

For many years the Craigo Clan Easter lunch was BBQ Ribs with a side of these delicious buttery spuds. Rain, sleet or not uncommonly snow in North Dakota, we barbecued ribs on Easter. These potatoes are an alternative to traditional fried potatoes. Although similar in taste, the buttery flavor isRead More →

When my sister Ann and I were growing up in Grimes, California, there were always plenty of fresh vegetables in the summer time. Our mother, aunties, grandmothers and grandpa’s all worked hard so that there would be plenty of fruit and vegetables to can for winter. I remember many summerRead More →

Quick, easy and delicious appetizers, and one of my favorites. First cut off the stems of 12 jalapeños peppers. Cut the peppers in half lengthwise. Use a small spoon to scrape out ALL of the seeds and membranes inside the peppers. Fill each peppered with a spoonful of a mixtureRead More →

This dish is so simple and so good. In a large skillet melt 2 tablespoons of real butter. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and heat. Stir in 4-6 fresh brown mushrooms sliced, 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves torn in pieces, and 3 green onions chopped. Reduce heat and sautéRead More →