This sweet and savory sandwich can be made using your favorite marble rye bread or flat bread. Here I used homemade rye flat bread. It is a simple recipe listed below.
- 3/4 cup rye flour
- 3/4 cup Flourish low carb white flour
- 1 cup plain greek yogurt liquified in microwave
Place flour in standing mixer with bread hook attachment. Add yogurt and process for 10 minutes. Shape into a ball and wrap in plastic wrap. Let rest for 15 minutes.
Cut dough into 8 equal portions. Roll each portion into a 6 inch circle. Using a crepe pan or shallow sauté pan sprayed with olive oil brown eace piece on both sides.
- 2 slices harvti cheese
- 2 strips crisp bacon
- apricot jam to cover bread
- butter
Add desired amount of jam to one flatbread and top with cheese and bacon. Top with second bread. Melt about a tablespoon of butter in a shallow sauté pan and toast on both sides. I did this on medium high heat, covering pan to help in melting cheese.