Making a couple of changes to a flabread recipe makes a huge difference health wise and no change flavor wise.
We use these breads as replacements for sandwIch breads.
Here’s all you need.
- 4 scant cups Flourish low carb flour
- 6 3/4 teaspoons olive oil
- 3/4 cup almond milk
- Italian seasoning to taste
Place flour in a stand-mixer with bread hook attachment in place. Add seasoning.
Heat milk and oil together in microwave for 1 minute.
With mixer at medium speed gradually add milk and oil and continue to mix and knead for ten minutes. Sprinkle with additional flour and shape into a ball. Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes.
Divide dough into 8 equal sized portions. Using a rolling pen on a floured surface roll each portion into a 7” circle.
Spray a crepe pan with olive oil and heat on medium high heat. Place bread in pan and slightly brown on each side. Remove to paper towel. Repeat with remaining bread.
Serve warm with favorite dip or use for sandwiches.