You might wonder why I named this Blog; Cook Like Ma. It was a natural choice for me because like my mother before me I’ve been an extra mom to many kids.
When my sister Ann and I were growing up, our home was often filled with extra kids. My folks were called Mom and Dad by many of them.
Mother Bonnie always found a way to feed the masses, especially after church on Sunday. Our house was it seemed the house of choice for the teens back then.
I asked her once how she managed to feed so many of us. She told me that she always made big pots of things; chili, spaghetti, hot dishes and the like. She made things that she could stretch if so needed.
Since I started writing this Blog, I’ve heard from youths of my past who remember some of the food mother served.
I’ve tried to follow in my parents’ food steps and always take the extra kids under my wing. Over the years and even now I have become Ma Craigo to many.
Some of my ‘kids’ are 50 plus years old now. Saying that is admitting that I’m pretty darn old. I don’t care though, it does this old girl’s heart good when she and the meals she provided are still remembered
Just as my mother was proud to be Mom Bowden to so many, I’m proud to be Ma Craigo to a pretty big number too.
Remember if you are good to a child they will remember you forever.