Pierogi are dumplings with a tender dough and savory or sweet fillings, similar to ravioli. They are boiled in water and tossed in butter to serve. Pierogi are a staple in Eastern European countries.
Pierogi can be filled with a variety of fillings but I like the potato filling best.
First boil 6 medium sized Russet potatoes until tender.
While boiling potatoes sauté 2 chopped green onion whites until tender in 1 tablespoon real butter. Set green ends aside for chives.
Mash potatoes, stir in onions, and 1 cup cottage cheese. Set aside and cool completely before filling Pierogi.
- 4 cups flour
- 3 eggs
- 1 tablespoon salt
- enough milk to make a pliable dough (about 1 cup)
Measure flour and salt into a large mixing bowl. Make a well in the center of flour. Beat eggs and a little milk. Pour a little at a time into flour well and start mixing into flour by bring flour from sides of bowl to center. Continue adding eggs and milk and mixing in flour until a pliable dough forms.
Transfer to a floured surface and knead until smooth. Cover with a towel and let rest for 10 minutes. Divide dough into thirds. Roll each third until very thin. Cut into 3 inch circles.
Put a teaspoon of filling in the center of circle. Fold in half and pinch edges.
Drop Pierogi into boiling salt water a Few at a time and boil for about 8 minutes. They will float to the top when done.
Drain well. Place on a serving plate and drizzle with fresh heavy cream. Dress with fresh chives. Make chives by using kitchen shears to cut greens of green onion.
- An easy way to form Pierogi is cut circles with a large round cookie cutter and to use a dumpling mold such as the one pictured here to complete.